Gold Winner in the New Zealand BEST Design Awards 2021 for non consumer product.
PLINIUS Reference Range
Awarded Finalist in the New Zealand BEST Design Awards 2020 for consumer product.

IZON AFC (Automatic Fraction Collector)
Awarded Gold in the New Zealand BEST Design Awards 2019 for non consumer product.
Metro Parking Meter Control Screen
Gold Award Winner in the “Pride In Print Awards” 2017.

Swiftpoint GT Mouse
Awarded “Best of Innovation” and Honoree Awards at the CES International Awards 2015.

Mobile Laser measuring device won best in show at the ISA International Sign Expo Innovation Awards 2016.
Spike – Laser Accurate Measurements for Smartphones.

Contour Plus POV Camera with Connectview
Awarded Design & Engineering Showcase Honors at the CES International Innovation Awards 2011.
Visualant Chroma ID Scanner
Awarded Bronze in Best Design Awards 2013.

Plinius Anniversary Series
Awarded Bronze in Best Design Awards 2011.
Contour GPS POV Camera
Awarded Bronze in Best Design Awards 2011.