Inspire for Plinius
The Plinius Inspire 880 – 980 were designed to inspire new listeners to the Plinius rage. The 80 watt per channel Inspire 980 has all the versatility of the Inspire 880 that allows you to directly connect up almost any source from a CD player, your personal computer, your AV source or turntable. The Inspire 980 adds the further feature of networking capability via wired or wireless Ethernet and this allows you to directly access your music library stored on a networked drive. The units were designed with there own unique design language for the range while sill linking to the Plinius family of products

The aesthetic designs of the new Inspire range introduce new tones and textures to the finishes available in the Plinius range. The new design utilised a simple two button on product interface.

A new thinking of electronic amplification and layout was applied to the Inspire range. The Inspire Range was focuses at the digital music listener. The 980 carried Wi-Fi so could be controlled by digital apps. The Arataki app for iPad was developed to control network playback via our premium Tiki and Toko products but it can also be used with the Inspire 980.